Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lincoln's Bicentennial Winding Down

Abraham Lincoln was born February 9, 1809, and the state of Illinois has been celebrating all year. Lincoln has always generated a lot of interest and will continue to do so, but the festivities for this his bicentennial year have been extra special. Before the birthday candles are completely blown out, here are a few celebrations you may have missed.
  • Get Lincolnized! at the Chicago History Museum web site. Upload a photo of your face and they'll slap a beard and stovepipe hat on it so you'll look just like the President's twin. Silly, but fun. According to The Lincoln Log, Abraham started his political service today as he took his seat as one of 55 members of the Illinois House of Representatives in Vandalia. You can check what he was doing any day of year on this web site.
  • President and Mrs. Lincoln have been seen all over Illinois. Kate's chatted with them herself at least twice at different venues. Max and Donna Daniels have been perfecting their reflection of the Lincolns for years, but they have been especially busy during 2009. If you haven't seen them in person, you can order a video of their most popular presentation "An Evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln" at their web site which is creatively named AbeAndThebBabe.com.

Kate's "Six Degrees of Abraham Lincoln" book and presentation has also had a workout this year, but there are still dates available if your church or community group would like to commemorate Lincoln's 200th birthday with a fun and interesting program. Contact Kate for booking information.

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